COVID-19 Policies and Procedures


  1. Have you had any symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days? Symptoms can include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, chest pain, feeling confused, sneezing, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose.
  2. Have you been in contact with anyone who has symptoms or has been suspected of having COVID-19 in the past 14 days?
  3. Have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days?

You will be asked these questions upon arriving for your appointment, but they are also there to prompt you when booking your appointment online and in your appointment reminder emails.

If you answer YES to any of these questions, please reschedule your appointment


Wherever possible, we encourage all patients above the age of 19 to come independently to their appointments. If you require assistance at your appointment, please let us know beforehand and those guests will also be asked the pre-screening

Please bring and wear your own mask (cloth or disposable). A limited number of disposable masks will be available for those that do not have their own.

We encourage you to use the bathroom prior to your appointment as the bathroom will be available for “Emergency Use Only”.

Please come dressed for your appointment and avoid bringing any unnecessary items such as purses, bags, jewelry and jackets into the appointment with you.


Please be on time, arriving no earlier than 5 minutes before your appointment. Wait outside or in your vehicle until you get a phone call from us indicating that we are ready for your appointment. You will be asked the pre-screening questions and we will then come open the front door for you.

Once you enter, please wash your hands using the station in the waiting area and put a mask on if you haven’t brought your own.


Your therapist will be wearing their own mask.

Physical distancing of 2 m will be in place when not performing hands on treatment.

Regular hand hygiene will take place before and after any patient contact, and before and after touching any equipment.

Appointments will start and end on time with 15 minutes between patients to allow for proper cleaning protocols and physical distancing measures.


Payments will continue to be via credit card (entered manually) and receipts will be provided via email.

Once exiting, please wash your hands using the station in the waiting area.

If you used one of our masks, it is asked that you leave the clinic with that mask on and take it off once you are home, washing your hands before and after


Cleaning and disinfecting will occur regularly using sanitization products that follow Health Canada Guidelines. All patient contact items and high contact surfaces will be cleaned after each patient. Low risk surfaces will be cleaned after two patients, and surfaces such as the floor and bathroom will be cleaned at the end of each shift.

Staff will stay home for 14 days if they develop any symptoms of COVID-19, they come in contact with anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, or if they travel outside of Canada.

Our 24-hour cancellation policy will still be in place, with some leniency toward illness related circumstances. We will not charge anyone for a missed appointment who suddenly comes down with symptoms of an illness, or who needs to care for a family member.